The FPV kit includes the FPV bundle which is comprised of the Cockpit glasses headset, which holds your smartphone for HD viewing, and the Skycontroller 2
Disco Fixed-Wing Drone
Cockpit glasses FPV Headset
Sky controller 2 Remote Control
Unified FPV System
Traditional FPV Experience
Parrot claims maximum range is 2000 meters or 1.24 miles. With clear air line of sight, maximum distance in real life was 500 to 1000 feet, even with the controller pointed directly at the aircraft. On the second flight, the Disco reported "Drone Disconnected" or "Max Range Exceeded" at 1000 feet distance max in clear air line of sight. Upon receiving "Drone Disconnected", and with 85% battery remaining, the Disco circled a few times and then crashed. To say I am disappointed is to understate. We awaited this delivery anxiously; perhaps the lesson here is "never buy anything at Version 1.0."
Posted by: sandi
09/09/2017, 11:49 AM
I am so disappointed in this expensive purchase and Parrot's support, I wish I could rank this product with negative stars.
After reading the manual and setting up, the drone was launched from our half acre of grass front lawn. At first all seemed great as it took off easily and moved right into loitering above us. However several times I encountered a "drone disconnected" message on screen even though the drone was only a few houses down.
Finally it ended in a crash as we noticed a piece of the right wing come off. First a drone disconnected message came on screen and it came down three houses away in a strange spiral. It crashed hard into many pieces. That was not in the manual.
After calling Parrot support I am told that my story does not match the "flight data" and that they reviewed my property and the 1/2 acre of grass front lawn is inadequate to launch and land the drone ( not that it actually landed where we were ). So for $1,300 we got about twenty minutes of drone flying.
Posted by: Kevin
09/09/2017, 11:27 AM
Nice works great
Posted by: john duhamel
31/08/2017, 11:02 AM
Having flown RC airplanes for 20+ years it took me a bit to understand how this works. I was actually over-flying it on my first flight. Once you let go and allow the Disco to handle throttle on its own it's so simple to fly. I enjoy flying it although landing it in a tight spot is a special challenge - if you're a beginner I suggest a nice open field with no obstacles - especially for your first flight.